Friday, 7 April 2017


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Artisan Refreshments.




Cordials in this sense is a noun. A drink with a fruit base, usually sold in concentrated form and diluted with water before being drunk e.g Ginger cordial, or another word for liqueur. In many areas throughout the world, the words liqueur and cordial are considered to be interchangeable. When used to describe liqueur, a cordial is often very flavorful, has a low alcohol content, and is consumed after a meal. In Australia, New Zealand, and the UK, as well as many other countries, a cordial is also known as a squash. This is a non-alcoholic drink that is very sweet and flavored to taste like various fruits, such as lemon, strawberry, kiwi, and peach. The squash comes in concentrate form and water or seltzer is added to create the perfect cordial.

A cordial is any invigorating and stimulating preparation that is intended for a medicinal purpose. The term derives from an obsolete usage. For years, a cordial was used for medicinal purposes. In order to cure a person’s ailment, and because it was thought to also be good for a person’s overall health, various types of cordials were created. Starting during the Renaissance, and continuing on throughout the years, cordials were often alcohol-based. In these types of cordials, spices and herbs, as well as other types of ingredients, were steeped to create a cure-all drink. Various concoctions were formerly created that were believed to be beneficial to one's health, especially for the heart.

 Try some spicy aromatic plum Mr Fitzpatrick's vintage Cordials with sparkling water today only £7.50 with free post & Packing.

Technically speaking, the word cordial is used to describe a tonic, syrup, or non-alcoholic drink that is often considered to be quite sweet. Although, many people consider the term to describe any type of liqueur that has a low alcohol content, or even a medicinal beverage. However, when it comes to describing a beverage, the definition isn’t quite as cut and dry. This is because it can actually be used to describe many different types of drinks.  

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